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Film Analysis Infographic

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind , directed by Michel Gondron (2004) is structured by switching  between moments in time, unravelling how two lover’s—Joel and Clementine— ended their relationship through erasing their memories,  and found eachother again. The series of events take place in different dimensions, that is, past, present, and imagination, all happening at the same time. Likewise, the film takes the audience through events, with many “gaps” in the storyline. As the film unfolds, those gaps are filled in, or made sense of. To mimic this structure, the diagram of this poster is split into two components— what is happening in reality, versus what takes place in Joel—the protagonists— head.  The format takes the shape of a cassette tape, due to its nature of having components that work  simultaneously, as well as its symbolism in the film as the one of the main contributors to the ending of Joel’s  relationship with Clementine.

To support the complexity of the film’s nature, symbols, character relationship, and dialogue were chosen. Symbols range from representing significant locations throughout the film, to the different dimensions of Joel’s mind (memories versus imagination). Character relationships are  revealed through their connection  to the plot of the film ; Joel’s procedure to erase Clementine from his memory. Dialogue was added based on the repetitions of words, which uncover character traits and reasons behind certain events. For instance, Patrick “steals” some of Joel’s words as a way to get closer to Clementine. Overall aesthetics, such as colour palette and typography, were decided through the tone and feel of the movie ; dramatic colour changes, hand-written notes, and dreamy memories. The overall goal of this visual diagram is to aid audiences in separate the confusing storylines, and see how each  event relates to the other.
Film Analysis Infographic

Film Analysis Infographic
